The New Ten Commandments:

Poetry for Palestine


1) Thou shall believe that “they” are the “Chosen”

2) If you see their numbers extremely over-represented in high positions of power and control thou shall not mention, except if it was to praise their “superior” IQ

3) If you become aware that they are “running the show” in the media thou shall
only glorify “their talents”

4) If you come to notice their grip in the world of finance thou shall be in awe of their “outstanding aptitude”

5) If you detect their attempted steering of social progress or revolutionary movements, thou shall only explain it with their “admirable righteousness, evolved integrity and exceptional morality”

6) Thou shall not compare their unique suffering with any other


7) Thou shall revere the holocaust –faithfully, as narrated by their gurus, with all thy heart

8) Thou shall have no doubt in your heart of the number 6 million

9) Thou shall…

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