Teacher Grazed by Parkland Shooter’s Bullet: ‘Shooter Was In Full Metal Garb, Helmet, Face Mask, Bulletproof Armor, Shooting a Rifle I Never Seen Before’


pennine:Like many of these horrific crimes-(especially those where hardly has the last shot been fired, than the anti-gun lobby is there waiting in the wings, as it were, out in force braying for everyone to be disarmed)- the list of anomalies keeps growing. Whereas, truth, albeit that testimony from different sources may variate as to how things appeared from individual perspectives, yet truth generally is pretty consistent. Like a jigsaw puzzle, forming to build an actual picture of which there can only be one. In another report, a pupil claimed to hear more than one shooter even as she passed comments with Cruz.

At this stage, I’m wondering if the “culprit” Nicholas Cruz  could have been a patsy?

Courtesy of Shepard Ambellas & DC Clothesline


Teacher Grazed by Parkland Shooter’s Bullet: ‘Shooter Was In Full Metal Garb, Helmet, Face Mask, Bulletproof Armor, Shooting a Rifle I Never…

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Hungary Demands €1BILLION Refund From Brussel’s European Union

Political Vel Craft

Twenty-five years after helping topple Communism, Prime Minister Victor Orban of Hungary has come to question E.U. values.

HUNGARY’S Prime Minister Viktor Orban has set up a tense showdown with the E.U. elite, after he delivered a fiery speech which included shock demands for a massive refund from the bloc’s coffers.

Viktor Orban, who has long been a critic of the EU establishment, released a set of demands yesterday that are set to put him on a collision course with [deep state] Brussels.

Hungary’s leader said his country has been on the frontlines of defending Europe’s borders and, as a reward, Budapest deserves a massive refund.

In a video posted to his Facebook page ahead of an informal EU summit, Mr Orban detailed why Hungary now deserves at least half of the one billion euros they have spent on border protection to be reimbursed from EU funds.

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