Jewish religious nutters preaching genocide

Mental illness! This is what judaism is. The jewish bible is the source to all of this. Those that put their faith in the bible and believe it to be true will eventually take on this twisted way of thinking. If they do not outright participate they will condone this as this is what it teaches. Just look at those calling themselves judeo christian. They are as rabid a bunch of psychos as these talmudic devils believing that this so called god they worship that does not even exist has it all under control and sanctions all of this murder. This would be the danger in believing that this one of many Jesus'(#2424 greek lexicon entry) is the son of god(the old testament jewish tribal god) as opposed to understanding that this jesus spoken of is a literary imposter. Christ is GOD. Son of THE HOLY GHOST(who is GOD THE FATHER). He is not the tribal deity of the old testament. GOD THE MOTHER is not mary.She is OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION.Mary was a human, nothing pure about ANY HUMAN and therefore can not be the mother of GOD CHRIST. This IS CHRISTIANITY , the ORIGINAL CHRISTIANITY.See the difference? Throw the bible in the fucking garbage as this is where this book of pornography and deceit belongs.You damn idiots that believe this book of deception are bringing misery upon the entire world.It is nothing but a book of sick jewish perversion of the entire concept of GOD. It will possess you , putting you into a maze of circular reasoning that you will never find your way out of. You will run in circles chasing your tail until you drop. I can make that piece of shit book say anything, literally anything that I want it to. Its source is of demons. No GOD would evet author such confusion. Only men listening to demons could write such cunning, crafty(as in witch) literature that would confuse the mind of one who reads it. Yes, I blame christians, especially those of any protestant denominations(my stupid ass family is chock full of these jewish brainwashedfools doing their dirty work). Every one of these denominations believes they have theright to interpret theze texts as they wish, this is PROTEST ant “ism” and every one of them believes it to say something different. They even use different bibles that say different things, no damn wonder now is it? Gods word my ass. Get a real set of these texts , study them and you will rapidly throw it away after doing so. It is called a Vulgate. You would not get passed the third page of study before you realized that you are wasting your time doing this exercise. I suggest it highly. As the jewish jesus(ONE OF THEM) impersonating CHRIST in this book of lies clearly explains to you in Maathew :” And this gospel of the kingdom(jewish kingdom) shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations(gentiles); and then the end shall come(your end as a soveriegn gentile as you will be living under jewish talmudic law. Or maybe you like the parable of the talents better known as “The kingdom of heaven(jewish dominion) is like USURY!!!!!!! Your choice people, read it for what is or make us all suffer becoming slaves to jews. Your choice!


Talmudic Extremism Incites Genocide against Palestinians

“All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts” Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the Tsomet Religious Institute, relentlessly stated issuing a religious edict permitting the genocide of Palestinians.

“Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other… Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys…” Rosen cited the Torah, claiming that Amalekites are not a specific race. He came to the conclusion that Jewish jurisprudence rules in favor of killing Palestinians in cold blood. And that’s exactly what the Israelis are doing in Gaza, the West Bank, and the occupied city of al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Yet Rosen was not a lone wolf. In fact, there is an entire pack.

Widespread Radicalism

Haaretz newspaper listed several…

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One thought on “Jewish religious nutters preaching genocide

  1. die nackt Wahrheit seit mehr als 5000 Jahre kommt immer wieder zum erscheinen
    zwischen gut und böse, frieden ist ein sehr dunen faden hängt , wir müssen es wissen und den andren zu helfen um viel streit zu verhindern frieden kostet nicht ,,krieg doch
    und sehr teure,

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